The search for the philosopher's stone

Steen der Wijzen

The search for the Philosopher's Stone is an ancient tale. The legendary alchemical substance that is said to turn base metals into gold and could grant immortality appears in countless fiction and nonfiction stories....
Rooted in ancient alchemical traditions, this mystical quest is marked by several stages that alchemists believed would lead to the coveted Philosopher's Stone. Join us on a journey through the stages of this enigmatic quest, where science, symbolism and spirituality intertwine. At the end of each stage, we explain what the stages mean to us and how we view the process.

Phase 1: Nigredo - The Decomposition (symbolized by a black raven)
The journey begins with calcination, a process of intense heat and burning that symbolizes the destruction of the impure and base elements. In alchemy, this stage represents the purification of the alchemist's soul and material. Through trials, the seeker seeks to break down the mundane aspects of existence, paving the way for transformation.
We too went through a phase of breaking down. We had to let go of existing preconceptions and the knowledge we thought we had in order to open our minds to the next phase where we acquire new knowledge we need to make our drink.

Phase 2: Albedo- Embracing the waters of transformation (symbolized by a white dove)
Burning is followed by dissolving, symbolizing the immersion of the purified elements in the waters of transformation. This stage includes a surrender to change, letting go of things you are attached to and an acceptance of the fluid nature of existence. Like a river reshaping the landscape over time, dissolution is about allowing the old to be washed away, making room for the new.
In our case, that means acquiring new knowledge. In addition to the theoretical knowledge we have acquired, every batch we make teaches us something new. Every new ingredient, every new fruit variety we explore, causes us to refine our knowledge. That, in turn, leads to better products.

Stage 3: Citrinitas- Distinguishing the essential from the non-essential
As the alchemical journey progresses, the seeker enters the stage of separation.This involves the distinction between the essential and non-essential aspects of one's being and materials.Through careful analysis and purification, the alchemist strives to extract the pure from the impure, with the goal of distilling the essence of both the self and the substances being worked on.As everyone knows, there is a great deal of information, but there is also a great deal of misinformation.For us, the challenge is to acquire the right knowledge so that we can produce our products with the highest quality and purity possible.

Stage 4: Rubedo- the sacred marriage (symbolized by the red Phoenix)
Conjunction is a stage of union and integration, often symbolized as the sacred marriage between opposites.This stage represents the harmonization of the purified elements, a coming together of the masculine and the feminine, the spiritual and the material.It is a profound synthesis that brings balance and unity, paving the way for the emergence of a transformed and enlightened state.For us, the process of fermentation is a crucial stage in which the integrated elements undergo a dynamic, transformative process.It is akin to brewing a mysterious elixir, a catalyst for change that elevates the seeker to higher states of consciousness. Fermentation is characterized by spiritual and mental growth, bringing the alchemist closer to the realization of the Philosopher's Stone.
When we reach this stage, we are at a point where we can not only apply what we have learned, but where we can take our products to a higher level thanks to the knowledge we have acquired. The sum of the parts is more than the whole. That, of course, is what we ultimately strive for while, in the meantime, we want to stay true to our mission. 'Bringing people back to basics'.

The stages in the quest for the Philosopher's Stone provide a symbolic roadmap for personal and spiritual transformation. While the alchemical quest may not yield a literal Philosopher's Stone, the journey itself has immense value.It is a journey of self-discovery, inner alchemy and the pursuit of enlightenment. It reminds us that the search for the extraordinary often reveals the extraordinary within ourselves.
We chose this symbolism because for us it is a constant reminder of purpose.We don't want to "just" make good booze or sell a lot of bottles. We want to bring people to basics with products that are pure, fantastically delicious and can be enjoyed.