
Fles van Regina
Medlar mead

This mead is a melomel with medlars. A melomel is a mead with fruit. Medlar is an ancient, almost forgotten fruit that contains a lot of pectin, but also brings with it a specific touch from nature. Thus, this mead gets its unique flavor profile not only from the honey, but the addition of medlar adds to its complexity.

Medlar (both the plant and the fruit have the same name) belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). Although they were already cultivated by the Greeks and Romans, they are still hard to find with us. The fruit is only ripe and delicious to eat after it has been frozen. Many people refuse to eat it because it looks rotten. On the contrary, the process of freezing the fruit "bletting" (in Dutch) is necessary to make the fruit edible. The taste is reminiscent of spicy apple pie.


500 ml
12.00% ABV
35,00 €
Story behind the name

Regina is named after the mother of one of our founders. The name means queen in Latin, perhaps not a bad meaning for our mead. Additionally, St. Regina is a saint from the Roman period that unfortunately not much is known about, but she will no doubt have known meads!